Slips, trips, and falls are the most common type of accidents in the workplace in the UK. They’re also responsible for most workplace injuries and fatalities. That’s because slips, trips, and falls often happen with no warning at all.

Because of this, it is essential to be prepared for any kind of slip, trip and fall accident. Having the correct knowledge on how to deal with a workplace accident can make a huge impact.

If you have suffered a personal injury from a slip, trip, or fall at work in Cheltenham, this article will provide you with the information and guidance you need to protect yourself. Contact us for any help regarding slip, trip, and fall claims.

How to avoid slips, trips, and falls in the workplace

By following simple health and safety practices in the workplace, you can reduce the risk of slip, trip, or fall accidents. Here are some simple steps you can take:

  • Wear suitable footwear. Footwear should be comfortable, sturdy, and appropriate for the task at hand. It should not be worn out or damaged, such as holes insoles or heels that are worn down to a sharp edge at the back.
  • Use handrails when possible and always use stairs with two hands on each rail when going up or downstairs.

  • Remove hazards from walkways. Hazards include clutter and obstacles on floors that may cause trips and falls such as boxes or equipment which move easily when walked on by workers. Any objects that could cause injury if someone trips over them should be removed as soon as possible before anyone gets hurt from a slip, trip or fall.

  • Report hazards immediately so they can be removed safely without causing any harm to people working nearby (or even yourself).

What kind of accident is a slip, trip, and fall?

Slips occur when there isn’t enough friction between your foot and the surface underneath your foot. A trip happens when your foot comes into collision with an object or bump on the surface below your foot. And a fall generally takes place after a slip or trip. Slips, trips, and falls can result in major bodily injury, from head trauma and broken bones to death in extreme circumstances.

How can slips, trips, and falls manifest themselves?

Slips, trips, and falls are a leading cause of workplace injury because they can happen anywhere—even in places where you’d least expect it. Here are some common scenarios that lead to slips, trips, and falls:

  • Tripping over objects left lying around such as bags or litter can cause injury.

  • Falls from heights are obvious danger points that need to be addressed by employers and property owners but sometimes people simply slip on stairs due to poorly fitted carpets or flooring or bad warning signage.

  • Wet floors are a common cause of slip, trip, and fall accidents. If you’re working with wet paint or other liquids on the floor, it’s important to clean up any spills immediately with a mop or cloth. Snowy or extreme weather conditions can cause slips, trips, and falls.

  • Snow can make it difficult for workers to walk/stand on slippery surfaces like metal grates or concrete sidewalks.

  • Finally, poorly-lit areas can create poor conditions to work in and can cause serious accidents.  If there aren’t enough lights shining down on walkways or staircases at night time (or if they’re flickering), workers may find themselves tripping over objects left lying around after hours (like tools or trash) because they can’t see them clearly enough.

Who is at risk of injury from a slip, trip or fall?

Slips, trips, and falls happen to anyone. If you work in construction or manufacturing, you’re at greater risk of injury from a slip, trip, or fall. If you’re working at heights (eg: scaffolding), then your risk of injury is also increased.

What percentage of workplace accidents are slips, trips and falls?

37% of all workplace accidents are the result of slips, trips, and falls. Slip, trip, and fall claims cost the UK almost 1 billion pounds per year.

How to prevent a slip, trip, and fall

As well as the physical injuries that can result from these accidents, they can also have a significant impact on a business’s bottom line. To prevent an accident, it’s essential to carry out slips trips and falls risk assessment. Here are some ways you can reduce the chances of slips, trips, and falls:

  • Clear walkways by removing any debris as soon as possible. Regularly sweep floors or use an industrial sweeper if necessary

  • Use mats at entrances to slippery areas such as showers or car parks.

  • Ensure you have adequate lighting in dark areas so people know where to walk safely at night time or during low visibility conditions such as foggy weather conditions.

  • Keep hazardous substances away from walking routes with the use of warning tape on walls where chemicals might splash onto clothing accidentally if someone spills them – this will prevent further risk of injury through contact with harmful substances later!

If you are concerned about an accident you have been involved in, click here to connect with a Ross Aldridge Personal Injury solicitor.

More Information

If you require any more information on what to do in the case of a personal injury, read more in our personal injury directory.

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