Suffering a personal injury can often have significant impacts on your work and personal life. From losing income, to having to cover medical costs, it can also be a significant financial issue to deal with. 

Although injuries can occur commonly, you should never suffer due to the negligence of someone else. Being injured in a public space, road traffic accident or work setting could mean that you are entitled to compensation for your damages. 

Unfortunately, this can be a situation that many UK citizens find themselves in. It is understood that 3 million people in the UK suffer from an injury every year. 

If you feel you have been wrongfully injured, a personal injury solicitor can assist you. As one of the leading law firms in Cheltenham, we can guide you through the process and get you the best result possible. 

What is a personal injury claim?

A personal injury claim is when you seek financial compensation for damages that were not your fault. You can make a personal injury claim when you have been injured in public, a road traffic accident or in the workplace, as long as it was caused by someone else’s negligence. 

A successful personal injury claim can help to ease financial burdens caused by accidents. The compensation can help to cover aspects such as a loss of income or medical bills.

What are the personal injury types?

There are many different ways in which someone may get injured. The type of injury that you endure may affect how much compensation you receive, and how the claim is created. 

When making a personal injury claim, inform the type of injury to your solicitor. This will help them to get a better understanding of the situation, quicker. 

Common types of injuries that lead to claims include:

Head injuries can range from minor to major, with the latter potentially having significant impacts on your long-term health. 

If you suffer a traffic collision or a slip, trip, or fall, then you may become concussed. However, more serious injuries include nerve damage which could have lengthy consequences. 

A back injury can be easily obtained due to a number of accidents. For example, a lack of training in the workplace could lead to an injury, as could a fall in a public place.

Even minor back injuries can lead to issues with mobility and discomfort, which is why it is important to make a claim as soon as you can. 

Other back injuries you may suffer include a slipped disc, spinal damage and fractured vertebrae.

Suffering an injury to your head or arm can make it difficult to work, thus losing your income. You can obtain such injuries in; the workplace, a road traffic accident, or a public space. 

Common examples of injuries you may suffer to these parts of your body include broken or fractured bones or a dislocated shoulder. 

An injury to your foot or leg could significantly impair your mobility, making it difficult to travel or to work. If you have suffered this injury type in an incident that was not your fault, you can make a compensation claim today.

Face injuries can leave a victim with significant injuries and major disruption to their daily life.

Examples of face injuries that can lead to a personal injury claim include damage to the eyes, a broken nose, as well as cuts and bruising. 

If you have suffered a face injury, reach out to our legal experts today. We will be able to give you an assessment for your case once you get in touch.

You may suffer dental injuries if you have been in a serious traffic collision, or even a slip or fall. Damage to your teeth and mouth can not only be disruptive to your lifestyle, but also very painful. 

If you have suffered dental injuries, you will have the right to make a personal injury claim.

Burns, cuts and grazes are all considered skin injuries. If you have suffered an injury like this due to the negligence of another, speak to a legal expert today. 

Although these injuries can be minor, major skin injuries can have permanent results, which is why it is important to make a claim.

Where can a personal injury happen?

A personal injury can happen anywhere. Common places that may lead to a claim include on the road, in the workplace and in public spaces.

Workplace injury

A workplace injury could be caused by employer negligence. When an employer does not provide a safe working environment, it can lead to accidents among employees. 

Examples of how a workplace injury could occur include:

  • Lack of training
  • Hazards in the workplace
  • Poor workplace organisation or storage

If you have suffered a personal injury under these circumstances, then you have the right to make a compensation claim.

Public spaces injury

Suffering an injury in a public space may mean that you are entitled to a compensation claim. Examples of how this could occur include:

  • Hazards in public spaces
  • Hazards in business
  • Slip, trip or fall caused by uneven surface

When you have suffered an injury in public that was not your fault, the responsible persons for the faulty area are liable. This means you can make a claim against a business owner or the county council, depending on your situation.

Road traffic accidents

You can be involved in a road traffic accident as driver, passenger and pedestrian. If you have suffered from another driver’s negligent driving, then you have the right to make a claim. 

Examples of how another driver could injure you through negligence include: 

  • Traffic collision
  • Lack of spatial awareness
  • Poor reaction to hazards

If you have suffered a road traffic injury that was not your fault, make sure you contact Ross Aldridge Solicitors today.

Compensation for personal injury claims

The compensation that you receive for a personal injury will depend on the situation you have suffered. Variable factors include the likes of the severity and area of injury, and the circumstances in which it occurred. 

For example, a minor head or brain injury could result in compensation amounting to £2,000 and above. While a severe brain or head injury could see you receive up to £350,000. 

When you get a case assessment from Ross Aldridge, you can receive a more accurate estimation. 

Your personal injury claim’s value will be based on both general and specific damages.

General damages

General damages represent the overall situation and injury that you have suffered, meaning there are no cost-specific elements. 

Factors that are considered general damages include:

  • Loss of amenity
  • Mental distress
  • Physical suffering

Specific damages

Damages related to your injury that have a clear cost are considered to be specific damages. 

Examples of what may be considered specific damages are:

  • Medical costs
  • Loss of income
  • Travel costs
  • Future care costs
  • Appointment costs

How to make a claim for personal injuries

At Ross Aldridge Solicitors, we aim to give you the best results when making a claim. That is why we offer a no win no fee policy, meaning the process is risk-free for our clients. 

To make a claim, follow these steps:

Begin by getting in contact with a personal injury solicitor. Although you do not need a solicitor to make a claim, they can help to get the most out of the process. 

When you reach out to Ross Aldridge Solicitors, we can begin working on your case as soon as we understand the incident you have suffered.

Once all of the details are understood, our experts can begin to get to work on your claim. To prepare your claim, all the relevant and available evidence will be gathered. 

For personal injury claims, helpful evidence includes medical records, eye witness reports and potentially CCTV footage. 

Sometimes, for an injury claim, we may also recommend a third party expert medical opinion to support your case.

When all the details and evidence have been gathered and prepared, your claim will be formally submitted to the defendant. 

Depending on the type of accident you suffered, the period for the defendant to respond can vary. The period of response can vary from 3 weeks upwards. 

If the defendant accepts the claim, no further steps are required.

If the defendant rejects the claim, our solicitors will advise you on the next best step. 

Sometimes, we may recommend court proceedings. However, this step is uncommon in personal injury claims.

How long do I have to make a personal injury claim?

You will have a legal time limit of three years to make a personal injury claim. This will begin on the date you become aware of your injuries. 

We recommend that you make your claim as soon as possible. This can give your claim the best chance of success as gathering evidence can be easier.

No win no fee solicitor Cheltenham

At Ross Aldridge Solicitors, we offer a no win no fee policy. This means if your claim is not successful, then you will not have to pay any legal fees. 

This policy means that you are not taking any risks in relation to your injury claim.

Make a personal injury claim today

As one of the leading law firms in Cheltenham, we are eager to help anyone who has suffered a personal injury. By getting in touch today, we can get to work on your claim, getting you the justice you deserve. 

You can contact us by phone, email, or by visiting our offices in Cheltenham. So reach out to our experts today to begin the process of your personal injury claim.

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